Monday 1 February 2010

Wag Weekly...Elena Bonzanni

The internet consensus is in on Elena Bonzanni, the girlfriend of West Ham United’s Valon Behrami: we all like her. This should be viewed as the big deal that it undoubtedly is. This is in the internet, after all, where we don’t tend to agree much. And though things like pictures of pretty television star and model types are always going to prove less decisive than, say, Tony Blair’s evidence at the Iraq inquiry, when unanimity is achieved, it’s worth acclaiming.

“Better looking than your girlfriend” claims one website, which feels initially insulting, but, looking deeper, actually displays a rather touching faith in the seductive capabilities of their readers, a faith you can’t help but feel may be ever so slightly misplaced. “Smoking hot,” says another, sounding a bit like a character in a James Ellroy novel talking about a dame.

If you’re worried, incidentally, that the demographic that scans the internet for pictures of Wags is unrepresentative, consider the sage words of one blogger on the subject: “you would cut off your hands if she asked you to.” If she’s asking that of this particular demographic and they’re agreeing? Well- though one hesitates to put it quite like this- she must be doing something right.

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